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Paediatric dentistry (formally Pedodontics) deals with following dental health in children from the first years of life to adolescence.

Why is prevention important?

To have strong and healthy teeth, it is essential to adopt an attitude aimed at preventing dental issues and ensuring you have good oral hygiene from an early age. It is therefore essential to teach our children the importance of using a toothbrush, but equally we need take our little ones to the dentist early on in life to prevent dental and oral diseases that could compromise the health of the teeth. Prevention can be taught through good oral hygiene, recommending a healthy diet and stopping bad habits, such as sucking your thumb and biting your nails. Unless there are complications and abnormal situations that your trusted paediatrician can spot quickly, the right time for your child to visit the dentist for the first time is around 4-5 years of age. 

It is also necessary to treat cavities in primary teeth. Some teeth may stay in the mouth up to the age of 13 and the onset of a cavity must be treated and cared for as if it were an adult tooth. The premature loss of one or more primary teeth can also cause the other teeth already present to move, causing the adult teeth to have difficulties in taking the place of the primary teeth and erupting themselves.

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Dr. Serena Baldi has been specifically and professionally trained in paediatric dentistry, not only clinical training but also psychological, which means that she successfully treats young patients. Some of the main paediatric and preventative measures are:

  • Paediatric dentist

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  • Dentist for children

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  • Dental practice for children

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  • Dental sealants

    Dental sealants: these are recommended help to prevent cavities forming. It should be carried out as soon as the milk teeth give way to the adult ones. Teeth sealing is particularly recommended to help prevent the development of tooth decay in the molars. In fact, these teeth are more exposed to the risk of cavities as they have many deep grooves where plaque and bacteria can easily nest inside and create damage. Sealants are applied to the occlusal chewing surface, and are made of a special resin which can protect the dental enamel from possible future tooth decay.

  • Iontophoresis

    Iontophoresis: fluoride is important to have prevent cavities and is supported by an extensive scientific literature recognised by the World Health Organization and the Italian Ministry of Health. One of the main sources of fluoride comes through drinking water, but it is not always enough so it is important to supplement fluoride topically and / or systemically.

    Iontophoresis carried out topically in clinic by applying a highly-concentrated gel directly to the surface of teeth using special equipment. Alternatively, or as a supplement to this, the dentist my recommend a systematic treatment, taken orally through drops or tablets.

  • Saliva testing

    Saliva testing: in dentistry, this testing is used to assess the risk of the likelihood of cavities developing, and also to check which types and in what quantity tooth decay-causing bacteria is present inside the mouth of a patient who frequently suffers from cavities. This means we can act accordingly carrying out the most suitable treatment for each case, and adopting a personalised prevention plan. To do this, a sample of the patient's saliva is taken, placed on a cell culture strip, which in turn is placed in a special oven at a constant temperature.

    A more or less high number of "stains" will appear on the strip which are bacterial colonies present in the mouth. Our aim is to take preventative dental measures through a specific plan so that the patient has a healthy mouth and teeth for life. 

  • Dental lacquer

    Dental lacquer: dental lacquer is part of the preventive healthcare to be considered following recurrent cavities in the patient or if the saliva testing results show measures need to be taken due to an imbalance of bacteria in the saliva. Lacquering is brush on all surfaces of the teeth. Generally, the dentist will set out a schedule for how often the treatment should take place, also following the saliva test results, and alternates between:

    - fluoride varnish: after application, fluoride calcium particles are formed on the teeth which is thinly spread out. When acid attacks, these particles will break down into calcium and fluoride. The thick layer is put on and starts acting from when it is applied, and the fluoride and calcium continues to work over time. Consequently, the acids aren't able to attack the enamel and dentine.

    - chlorhexidine varnish: this varnish is made up of fluoride, chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC). The CPC helps in preventing plaque and gum inflammation whilst at the same time encouraging the chlorhexidine to work. Chlorhexidine is an efficient antibacterial agent against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria as well as bacteria that works moderately against some fungi and viruses. 

  • Restorative treatment for primary teeth

    Restorative treatment for primary teeth: 

    It is really important that we give the same attention to a child's primary teeth as to their adult teeth. The primary teeth are actually much more fragile and are therefore more susceptible to cavities. A bad diet and bad oral hygiene usually means that cavities need to be dealt with and treated. In this case, we use restorative treatment as we would for adult patients, filling them in or broaching a tooth.

    It is essential to take care of the primary (milk) teeth for the following reasons: 

    -    they are needed for chewing, and the primary bicuspids can stay in the mouth until the age of 11 or 12. 

    -     they are needed to help space out the teeth and allow the normal eruption to take place for the adult teeth.

    -    they are needed to help stimulate the growth of the maxillary and mandibular bones. By losing primary teeth too early, especially the bicuspids, there can be a great imbalance between the upper and lower jaw which would then need orthodontic treatments. 

    -     by carrying out treatments early, we can avoid deep cavities, abscesses and risks of infection which will possibly cause sores and more serious damage.  

    -    losing teeth too early can cause abnormal eruption in teeth or the antagonist tooth may be too long which may then interfere with chewing or possible cause damage to the TMJ (temporomandibular joint).

    -     failing to erupt could cause aesthetic problems for the child and in some cases making the child feel very uncomfortable which could have a psychological effect as well as an effect on relationships with others. 

    -     there are also other possible vocal problems that may arise especially with pronouncing some letters and consonants using the teeth, roof of the mouth and plosives (s-r d-t).

    Restorative treatment is done by removing the tissue that has been damaged by tooth decay and then reconstructed with special composits for primary teeth, restoring the structure, shape and heath or the oral cavity.

  • Devitalising a primary tooth

    Devitalising a primary tooth: 

    We devitalise a primary tooth in two different cases: when the milk teeth have such deep cavities that the pulp may be affected or when there has been a trauma which has caused a tooth to die, this means that the nerve has died or an abscess has reoccurred. Whenever possible, devitalising a primary tooth is only carried out partially by pulpectomy, a quick method that, when performed correctly, can bring about the same results as a full root canal treatment. 

    Dr. Serena Baldi has dedicated her career to treating children and due to her innovative approach, she treats patients in a calm and peaceful way. They are followed by specific protocols which may include using local sedation through nitrous oxide (laughing gas). We ensure our environment is pleasant and relaxing so that there is no emotional trauma which will help induce a trustworthy relationship and a future working relationship. 

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