In order to prevent and carry out procedures safely and efficiently, diagnosing issues quickly and accurately is important. This is why we have the most current cutting-edge equipment at our dental practice which helps us achieve the highest performance.
The new panoramic GX DP 800 Gendex system is equipped with state-of-the-art dental imaging software which can carry out combined x-rays in 2D and 3D. This means that we can take OPG X-rays and teleradiographies of the skull which will help when diagnosing dental issues and more. In addition, Cone beam CTs (CBTC) can be done which are extremely versatile and accurate computerised three-dimensional X-rays, essential for diagnosing implant-prosthetic, gnathological and endodontic treatments.
The machine works by emitting the minimum dose of X-rays necessary (based on the patient's build) taking into account the different rates of absorption of the human anatomy crossed by the X-ray beam, ensuring a uniform image, to effectively penetrate the jaw further with a wider, more focused area in the mandibular region. The Cone Beam CT actually has an average of 23 times less X-ray exposure than a conventional CT.
The source of the X-ray in a CBCT system consists of an X-ray tube capable of turning 360° around the anatomical part of interest. A special feature of the beam is the shape that it produces as this is either conical or pyramidal, and can instantly project the entire anatomical part of interest onto the detector. Intuitively, it may be thought that the beam continues for the whole 360° path of the exposure. However, as we prefer to reduce the patient's dose, it is carried out in a pulse-like manner. In this way, the exposure time is shorter than the total duration of the scan.
Contact us to book a check-up or to ask for more information